Jan 31, 2009

Guilin to Yangshou

Riding to Yangshou along the river, or trying to was an incredible ride.
UP until the road disappeared into the narrow mountains the stood over the river.
The map showed a path, locals told me "just go that way", "this way", "its there...".
Yep, traveling in China is driving me insane...
So after dragging the bike and myself through rocks and dirt and bushes I attempted to get a boat to get me down the river a bit, until the path picked up.
All in all, the very short river ride was fun. And the landscape of this region is great. Makes it fun riding.

These are Buzzard dogs. They followed me for a time while I was romping through the brush here. This is where I tried to find the path that wasnt.
But I eventually found someone to take me to the yellow brick trail.

This dog OWNS the Road...so funny! After honking for a while, the car lost. I have seen this so many times before...dogs, ducks, cows, oxen. Animals are bold out in these parts...

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