Oct 11, 2008

Re-Education Camp!

In case u havent noticed,i have been gone (not posted) for awhile.
Sometimes, one needs to get re-educated...like when your love for the communist party dips below a reasonable threshold! Did i mention how much i love the chairman?!
The communist party is great!
So...I am back now...hoping to bring more China your way. BTW...10 pounds dropping of my body. Its like a traveling diet i'm on. So quick on the court am I.
Yes, Marcy, i would have eaten that sandwich!
So, after my re-education, i am feeling well. Starting to think aobut my winter travels...Biking through Laos...Trekking through Nepal...doing yoga and smoking bhang in India....traveling through s.e. asia...A few trips i am thinking of...
If anyone wants to travel in january through mid-feb, let me know...

My head is not so big...so...that means this is a big carrot.

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